Kick Buttowski: Suburban Daredevil (simply known as Kick Buttowski) is an American animated television series created and executive produced by Sandro Corsaro. The series is about a young boy named Clarence Francis "Kick" Buttowski who aspires to become the world's greatest daredevil with the help of his loyal friend, Gunther. It was the fourth Disney XD original series and the first such animated series. The show premiered on February 13, 2010, with two episodes airing the first day. The series premiered on Disney Channel Asia on May 28, 2010.[1] There are two 11-minute segments per show. The show uses Toon Boom Animation software. There are also some 3D-animated elements. Many of the characters and situations were based on Corsaro's childhood growing up in Stoneham, Massachusetts.[1] 52 episodes were produced in total.[2] On December 2, 2012, it was announced that Disney XD would not be renewing the show for a third season. The series became available on the streaming service Disney+ on April 9, 2021.
Clarence Francis "Kick" Buttowski: a 10-year-old amateur, thrill-seeking often reckless daredevil. His main goal out of life is to embrace each day as if it were his own personal "action movie". He embraces his stuntman persona to the point he has a very hard time ignoring opportunities to do stunts or care for his own wellbeing. He is skilled at stunt work despite his age but some his stunts do backfire. He is rather short and wears a signature daredevil outfit; a white jumpsuit with red stripes down the sleeves, a white helmet with a red stripe, and yellow boots and gloves. Some of his more notable catchphrases are "It's show time," "Fail? I don't do fail," "Aw, biscuits,", "That's a rat", and "Chimi-changa". He is the middle child in his family. His middle name was announced in "Rank of Awesome", as a reference to his original name, Francis Little. He is picked on by his older brother, Brad Buttowski, who often refers to him as "dillweed". He has 3 arch-rivals: Kendall Perkins, Ronaldo, and Gordie Gibble.
Gunther Magnuson: Kick's 10-year-old best friend and stunt coordinator who is chunky, worries a lot, and is easily distracted by shiny objects. It is also shown that Gunther can whistle very well. Gunther, unlike Kick, does not enjoy living on the edge and can drink a very large amount of Cheetah Chug without getting sick. He has Viking heritage and his family owns a restaurant which is very successful. His Viking Side Shows when Gunther gets serious or Angry which anyone (except Kick) can be intimidated. He wears blue shorts and a shirt with a red cap and orange sandals.
Bradley "Brad" Buttowski: Kick's 17-year-old elder brother. He bullies and insults Kick, and is in charge when their parents are away. Brad also has very poor personal hygiene and thinks he is popular. His favorite phrase is "Dillweed", which he uses to refer to Kick and "Yeah, Brad" which is his catchphrase. He is a self proclaimed "ladies man" and will try to swoo women which usually fails. He also has lackeys, who sometimes do his bidding or achieve his goals like bully kick. He is good at manipulating people especially his parents to get out or get people in trouble but, it can also backfire at times.
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